2022 Program Statistics

NLC is committed to providing potential students and their families accurate program information, in compliance with state and accrediting agency regulations. The information is listed here in an easy-to-read format with all required details included.

Electrical Lineworker Program

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2022 Electrical Lineworker Program Graduation Rate
Campus Students Who Started the Program Students Available for Graduation Graduates Graduation Rate
Oroville, California1 797 791 686 87%
Edgewater, Florida2 436 426 349 82%
Meridian, Idaho2 793 782 608 78%
Denton, Texas2 454 444 359 81%
2022 Electrical Lineworker Program Employment Rate
Campus Graduates Graduates Available for Employment Graduates Employed in the Trade Graduate Employment Rate
Oroville, California1 686 685 496 72%
Edgewater, Florida2 349 349 231 66%
Meridian, Idaho2 608 607 466 77%
Denton, Texas2 359 359 274 76%

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2022 Electrical Lineworker Program Graduates
California, Florida, Idaho, and Texas graduate employment data

  • NLC Graduates Employed in the trade: 73%
  • Not Willing to Relocate/Still Pursuing Employment in the trade: 7%
  • Unknown: 19%
  • No Longer Pursuing Employment in the trade: 1%


1 Report time frame for California Electrical Lineworker Program: The number of students enrolled between 10/1/2021 and 9/30/2022 for the program. Percentage of Graduates Employed: ACCSC outcomes are calculated by program length, and by tracking start cohorts from their start date through graduation. Employment is calculated by taking the total graduates placed in the field, divided by the total number of graduates minus graduates waived for employment because of continuing education, military, health, incarceration, foreign students, or death. Time frame: To determine the cohort date range, the ACCSC calculation counts backward from the report date (July 1) as follows: program length times 150 percent plus 3 months of employment activity.

2 Report time frame for Florida, Idaho and Texas Electrical Lineworker Programs: The number of students enrolled between 8/15/2021 and 8/14/2022 for the program. Percentage of Graduates Employed: Outcomes are calculated by program length, and by tracking start cohorts from their start date through graduation. Employment is calculated by taking the total graduates placed in the field, divided by the total number of graduates minus graduates waived for employment because of continuing education, military, health, incarceration, foreign students, or death.